Children’s Church is a fun and exciting program for kids to attend during the Sunday worship service. The program includes Bible based stories and lessons, crafts, games, activities and songs. Children will also be provided a snack and drink. Curriculum is geared for children ages 5-12. We ask older youth to remain in the sanctuary with their parents.
Children are encouraged to sit with parents/guardians during the first part of worship service to participate in the Young Disciples moment. After, they will leave with the Children’s Church leaders to go to a classroom for activities and fun for the remainder of the service.
Check out the scope and sequence - coming soon!
Youth Activities and FUN!
The Church works hard to provide activities and fun for all the youth!
Jesus Camp
Jesus Camp 2024 was a HUGE success! See the Facebook Group for more information about 2025!
All attendees must register (no cost). Limited spaces are available.
Youth Group
All youth 6th-12th meet on Sunday evenings, every week at 5pm, in the Chi-Rho Youth room. Come to the back of the Church to enter. (snack is provided).
If you are a Youth that wants to join the fun, the group meets every Sunday at 5pm (other than holidays and weather cancellations). If interested in attending show up on Sunday evening or contact the Church Office.
Church Camp
Each year Youth attend Church Camp. Because of the generosity of the Church Family, they attend at no cost. Visit this link to learn more about the camp attend the Summer of 2024. For more information about your youth getting involved call Pastor Tim at the Church Office. https://www.mid-americadisciples.org/summer
Jr. Diaconate
More information to come!
Puppets are held each Sunday beginning May 19, 2024, 9am for Youth 8 years of age and up. Contact Matt Jones for additional information.

Mary Margaret Mills Playground
The Mary Margaret Mills Playground was built at the Church in April, 2015 by a group of volunteers. The playground equipment was paid for with the memorial fund from the passing of Mary. It is dedicated in loving memory of "our" daughter, mother, sister, aunt, and friend, Mary Margaret Mills - by her family. It is open to the public, but we ask that you have lots of fun and laughs as well as leave clean. The family asks you take pictures and post them to the "Mary Margaret Mills Playground" Facebook page to share the joy it brings.
Stop by and let the kids play then have a picnic at the shelter house next to the playground. The shelter house can be used first come, first serve unless it is reserved by a family. If you would like to reserve the shelter house, please contact the church office for a Building Use Form.